Celebrating our furry friends with Bob's House for Dogs

To celebrate National Love Your Pet Day, we kicked this week off with a photo sharing contest that benefited Bob's House for Dogs!

The staff and volunteers at Bob's House truly change lives; not only for the dogs that they selflessly care for, but for the homes the dogs get to go home to. Few organizations can say they help create families, but that's exactly what Bob's House does.

The KIND Kaley Foundation wanted to help Bob's House create families, pledging to donate $1 to Bob's House for Dogs for every pet photo shared on National Love Your Pet Day. We received an overwhelming response to the contest; donating more than $60,000 to Bob's House for Dogs, and we can't thank you enough!

Because Bob's House for Dogs is 100% privately funded, they rely solely on the generosity of our communities and neighbors to ensure that our furry family members get the medical attention they need and the loving homes they deserve.

Help us celebrate our furry friends, donate to Bob's House for Dogs today!


  1. We made our donation today! Love the cause and support all that your foundation is doing to support charitable acts!


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