This year, we're going to keep on giving!

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Thank you so much for joining us – We’re so excited to have you!

The KIND Kaley Foundation remains singularly focused on giving back: the kind that enriches the lives of others. With the launch of our blog, we hope to build a more personal and genuine community. You’ll see – we place a particular emphasis on celebrating and inspiring kindness and we have incredible things planned for you!

We’re big on storytelling around here. Every Saturday, we'll use this space to share stories that demonstrate inspirational and rewarding behavior. The work we create is often highly emotional, but never with a focus on the devastation. Whether you're living vicariously through the KIND Kaley Foundation or helping us help others through times of need to become stronger and grow, there's a place for you here.

This year, we've partnered with Amazon and want to hear stories about how you, or someone you know, are filling the world with kindness – no act of kindness is too small.

Do you know an amazing person who could use KIND Kaley Foundation's help? Maybe it’s a person who always puts others' needs before their own, someone who keeps a positive attitude through tough times, a role model, or someone who has changed your community. Is this person deserving of financial backing, a vacation, or a home?

At KIND Kaley Foundation, you can make a difference! We can't wait to laugh and cry with you throughout this journey – Share your story with us today.


  1. Okay, so I had a really nice long thought out comment about your blog, but when I went to post it got deleted. Long story short....Great first post and the blog looks great.

  2. Great introductory post. I love the tone and connection you set. I'm looking forward to reading your posts.

    -...those less fortunate... do they have to be less fortunate? Why not just 'others'?
    -...We place... no capital on W
    -...times of need (to) become...
    -...Foundation's help...
    -...puts others' needs...
    -...someone who’s changed... (who has, not who's)

    1. Thank you for the feedback, Laurie! These updates have been made.


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