KIND History + Honoring Small Business and National Be Heard Day

Throughout our history, Kind Kaley has demonstrated innovation, timeliness and the ability to adapt to quickly changing realities. Our teams commitment is a direct tribute to our small business culture and it reminds us all of the company we started as. In honor of National Be Heard Day – a day for small business owners to be heard, we invite you to enjoy the history behind Kind Kaley!

Since 2000, the KIND Kaley Foundation has helped people facing the toughest hardships survive – and then thrive. That’s the heart of our approach, helping communities turn crisis into opportunity.

2000: The foundation is founded as Kind Kaley, a task force organized by Kaley Haase in response to families displaced by war in Eritrea. The fledging organization raises $1 million to provide shelter and medial expenses to hundreds of displaced families and helps focus America’s attention on the humanitarian crisis.

Kaley Haase, Founder
2001: Kind Kaley provides $1.5 million to aid survivors of a massive earthquake in India. In response to the attacks of September 11, Kind Kaley launches a first-of-its-kind effort, called Comfort 4 Kids, to provide social and psychological support to affected children in New York.

2002: Kind Kaley’s growth is made possible in part thanks to support from institutional donors including the U.S. Dept. of State and U.S. Agency for International Development; the United Nations; and the governments of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Indonesia, the Netherlands, Scotland, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland, among others.

2003: In Iraq, Kind Kaley begins to help vulnerable families displaced by the war. More than 1 million people flee to Jordan and Syria, where Kind Kaley helps thousands of refugees with humanitarian aid, education and job training. 

2004: Kind Kaley is one of the first responders to the Indian Ocean tsunami. Within hours of the deadly waves, Kind Kaley mobilizes the largest and most comprehensive emergency response in our history. Dozens of staff are sent to devastated areas of Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India to provide lifesaving relief and supplies.

2005: Kind Kaley assists in the recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina in the United States, providing water, food, bedding and tools to deconstruct houses and re-use building materials. In Pakistan, Kind Kaley provides medical supplies, food and shelter after a massive earthquake. In Niger, the foundation helps feed 5,000 children and trains health care workers.

2006: In Indonesia, the foundation helps more than 1,000 farmers restore rice fields ravaged by the 2004 tsunami. Kind Kaley merges with Amazon to educate and empower young people to fight global poverty.

2007: In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kind Kaley delivers water for drinking and hygiene to 10,000 people a day.

2008: Kind Kaley wins the Fast Company Social Capitalist Award for its innovative and entrepreneurial approaches to tackling some of the world’s most challenging problems. The foundation is becoming known for its leadership in social innovation as an engine for sustainable development.

2009: Kind Kaley helps 2 million people in 15 countries combat the global food crisis through innovative programs that feed hungry people – while making long term investments to prevent future food shortages.

2010: Kind Kaley is on the ground just two days after the massive earthquake in Haiti. The foundation provides 1 million people with emergency food, clean water, household necessities and shelter materials, and reaches hundreds of thousands more with post-disaster trauma support.

2011: Kind Kaley responds to the Horn of Africa’s worst drought in 60 years, to help families survive the crisis, while focusing on innovative rebuilding efforts and large-scale strategies that would help families in East Africa build resilience to future droughts and food shortages in the region.

2012: Kind Kaley helps refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria by building safe places for children to play and providing clean water.

2013: Kind Kaley response to the Syria crisis grows quickly to meet the needs of millions of refugees who continue fleeing the war in their country.

2014 2015: During two years of unprecedented humanitarian crisis, Kind Kaley reaches 80 million people with urgent assistance and lasting solutions to save and improve their lives.

2016: In rebel-torn Congo, the foundation meets urgent needs for food, clean water and sanitation. Across Africa’s Sahel region, where drought brings on a severe hunger crisis, the foundation provides food to vulnerable families and helps keep livestock – their most precious assets – healthy.

2017: Kind Kaley lowers unemployment rates in 5 states, employing more than 50,000 people in effort to re-brand the foundations mission and marketing initiatives. Because the work the foundation creates is often emotional, initiatives under the social media marketing plan focus less on the devastation, placing a rather particular emphasis on celebrating and inspiring kindness.

2018: Today, Kind Kaley consistently ranks as one of America’s most efficient and effective charitable organizations. Over the last five years, more than 85 percent of resources have been allocated directly to helping families turn crisis into opportunity in some of the world’s toughest places.

We partner to put bold solutions into action! Help us build stronger communities from within - Write your business plan or share your story with us today. 
